This course runs from 9-1 pm. We spend the first hour of the day discussing honeybee colony maintenance, dividing hives, biology of honeybee races and wild native bees, pollination concernment, how bees raise their young, and why honeybees are vital for maintaining a healthy thriving eco system that puts 1 in every 3 bites of food on our tables.
Then continue with our hands-on observations in the Apiary where we will be handling (optional for attendees) real live bee colonies, and don’t worry, honeybees are extremely gentle, happy and passive in June/July, and wonderful to work with. We have all our bees inspected and certified and take the up most precautions regarding safety.
During our hands-on portion we will locate the queen and discuss her laying patterns, how she operates, and problems that Queen bees go thru and how we as beekeepers keep her healthy. We will locate the worker bees and discuss nectar, pollen and propolis gathering, and what makes these most important substances vital for bee survival. We’ll discuss why Spring and Summer seasons are the most important to bees and show you how the bees work in these months to sustain their colony thru the Fall and Winter.
Lastly well take freshly made honeycomb from our hives back to our honey house for extraction and taste testing, showing your family how honey is processed and filtered.
This is a course your children will never forget and most certainly not want to miss out on.
Join us on our honey bee farm for a full morning of learning all about the beautiful honey bees!
Full body protective gear is provided by deGroots Apiaries/Farm. All you need to bring is water bottles, snacks and a pair of boots for each individual.
Some Minor Restrictions Apply:
- Children must be over the age of 6
- Family members must be related
- Each adult must be with their child/children at all times during the course.
- All individual allergies to bees and environment must be provided one month prior to course date.